Evento de Outono 2023

Fonte: Forge of Empires - Wiki PT
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FALL A Loading Screen 23.jpg

Estás pronto para confecionar doçaria e para alguma emoção? Sacode o pó do avental e coloca o forno a aquecer, porque o Evento de Outono deste ano está aqui!

Mna. Macieira

A tua querida mentora, Mna. Macieira, está de volta para te levar noutra aventura açucarada. Este ano, vai conduzir-te numa viagem deliciosa através de um grande concurso de pastelaria! Aqui, ela apresenta-te o mundo mágico da pastelaria, cheio de farinha, açúcar e muita paixão.


Juntos, vão navegar por 35 missões que podes concluir de enfiada, 21 missões diárias e, claro, 22 missões especiais diárias gratuitas!

FAL23 QuestWindow pt.png

Cada missão concluída contribui para a contagem de missões na parte inferior da janela de missões e desbloqueia novas recompensas quando concluíres 5, 20, 35, 45 e 55 missões!

Como é que participo?

A bem-sucedida mecânica de estourar do Evento Vida Selvagem está de volta! Depois de começares um jogo, terás de "comer" as Sobremesas para moveres tabuleiro abaixo as recompensas que as Chávenas de Café contém. Para participares no evento, tens de abrir a janela do evento e utilizar o botão "Iniciar", deste modo, utilizas as tuas Colheres de Pau para entrar no Concurso Culinário de Pastelaria e começas um jogo. Começas com 4 Colheres de Pau, que vão sendo repostas ao longo do tempo até um máximo de 4. Também podes ganhar mais Colheres de Pau a concluir missões do evento, a recolher Incidentes na tua Cidade, nos Desafios Diários e, claro, também podes comprá-las com Diamantes.

FAL23 EventWindow pt.png

Na janela do evento, encontras vários elementos principais a considerar:

Tabuleiro Onde irás estourar as Sobremesas para ganhar recompensas! Utiliza o botão "Iniciar" para gastares Colheres de Pau e iniciares um nível.
Chávenas de Café Uma das principais formas de recompensa. Terás de estourar as Sobremesas para que as Chávenas de Café caiam pelo fundo do tabuleiro e, assim, receberes a recompensa que contêm. Também existem outras formas de receberes recompensas, falaremos disso mais à frente. A probabilidade com que aparecem no tabuleiro é diferente consoante as Sobremesas que tiveres no tabuleiro.
Jogadas Cada vez que estourares um conjunto de Sobremesa custa-te uma jogada. Todos os níveis têm uma quantidade de jogadas limitada e termina quando todas as jogadas são usadas, podes comprar mais jogadas com Sacos de Farinha!
Grande Prémio Mostra a quantidade de Chávenas de Café necessárias para receberes o próximo Grande Prémio.
Especial do Dia A recompensa Especial do Dia é mostrada aqui e pode ser trocada uma vez a cada 24 horas.
Sacos de Farinha É a segunda Moeda do Evento e pode ser utilizada para comprar mais jogadas num nível. Utiliza o botão com o ícone "+" para comprares mais Sacos de Farinha na Loja.
Reforços Também podes comprar habilidades especiais com Sacos de Farinha! Utiliza o botão com o ícone "+" para comprares mais Sacos de Farinha na Loja.

Começas o evento com 200 Sacos de Farinha! Podes obter mais ao iniciares sessão todos os dias, a concluir missões do evento, a recolher incidentes na vossa cidade e, claro, podes comprá-los com Diamantes! Recebes 10 jogadas adicionais em troca de 65 Sacos de Farinha. Utiliza os Sacos de Farinha com sabedoria e traz os Frascos Recompensa e as Chávenas de Café para casa!

Frascos Sobremesa

As chávenas de café não são os únicos ingredientes desta receita! Junta grupos maiores de sobremesas para estourares. Se conseguires agrupar 5 ou mais sobremesas iguais, podes criar um Frasco de Sobremesa. Frasco esse que te recompensará caso o consigas deixar cair pelo fundo do tabuleiro! Quanto mais sobremesas agrupares, maior será o frasco!

Existem 5 Frascos Sobremesa diferentes e cada cor oferece uma recompensa diferente.


Fall piece purple reward.png With five or more matches of the Purple ingredient, you will create a purple Jar containing Forge Points or Shrine of Knowledge Fragments.
Fall piece green reward.png With five or more matches of the Green ingredient, you will create a Green Jar containing Coins, Supplies, or Boost & Rush Items.
Fall piece yellow reward.png With five or more matches of the White ingredient, you will create a White Jar containing Goods or Wishing Well Fragments.
Fall piece orange reward.png With five or more matches of the Orange ingredient, you will create an Orange Jar containing Medals or Blueprints.
Fall piece red reward.png With five or more matches of the Pink ingredient, you will create a Pink Jar containing Army Units.

Even though there are 5 different colors, you will only ever see 4 different ones on your board. What 4 Desserts you get for your current game will be random.

Each chest will also have a star rating. The more Desserts you pop at once, the greater the rewards! The star rating goes from 1 star to 6 stars, so look before you pop to make sure you have as many Desserts grouped together as possible!

Link= Put the kettle on!

To make progress toward the Grand Prize, you will need to collect Coffee Cups, which automatically spawn on the board as you continue to pop up and free up space. Tip! Like a chess grandmaster, try and think a couple moves ahead, so you can navigate these special pieces to the bottom!.

To better understand how this work see the Fall 2023 Tutorial page


Sacks of Flour can also be spent on Boosters, which will grant you special abilities.

Ficheiro:Fork.png With the Fork, you can remove 1 color Desserts from the board.
Ficheiro:Spatula.png With the Spatula, you can remove a whole row of Desserts, so that the Reward Jars and Coffee Cups can drop down, ready for the taking.
Ficheiro:Rollingpin.png And, finally, the mighty Rolling Pin removes a whole column of Desserts!

Out of options? Not to worry! The Board automatically re-shuffles when there are no more available Desserts to pop, and gives you the option to keep popping! As long as you have moves, you will be able to pop, and there will be no dead ends.

Ficheiro:GoldSpoon.png The Golden Spoon!

When activated, the Golden Spoon eliminates the need for Wooden Spoons to play a level. The Golden Spoon can be activated for a limited duration of 5 minutes. Tip: Win this from the quest counter and the Golden Event Pass, as well as from Daily Challenges – with a small chance.


Vinhas de Outono

The Grand Prize By playing along with this year's event, you could win your very own Autumn Vineyard!

Link= A Level 1 Autumn Vineyard can be found as one of the first rewards of the questline and can then be upgraded using the Autumn Vineyard Upgrade Kit which can be obtained in the Fall Event 2023 quest line and as part of the Grand Prize.
Ficheiro:Autumn Vineyard1.png
Autumn Vineyard Lv. 1
Ficheiro:Autumn Vineyard2.png
Autumn Vineyard Lv. 2
Ficheiro:Autumn Vineyard3.png
Autumn Vineyard Lv. 3
Ficheiro:Autumn Vineyard4.png
Autumn Vineyard Lv. 4
Ficheiro:Autumn Vineyard5.png
Autumn Vineyard Lv. 5
Ficheiro:Autumn Vineyard6.png
Autumn Vineyard Lv. 6
Ficheiro:Autumn Vineyard7.png
Autumn Vineyard Lv. 7
Ficheiro:Autumn Vineyard8.png
Autumn Vineyard Lv. 8
Autumn Vineyard Lv.9 (3x7)
Ficheiro:Autumn Vineyard9.png
  • Population
  • Happiness
  • 26% to 30% Attack for Attacking Army
  • 26% to 30% Attack for Defending Army
  • lots of Coins
  • lots of Supplies
When motivated
  • 17 to 21 Forge Points
  • 70 Goods
  • 3 Higher Age Blueprints*
  • 5 Rustic Autumn Vineyard Silver Upgrade Kit Fragments (150 Required)

Random Production:

  • (50% Chance) 1 Shroom Throne Fragment (100 Required)
  • (50% Chance) 1 Granny Aurora's Apple Tree Fragment (100 Required)

Vinhas de Outono Rústicas e Vibrantes

With this event we introduce a new Kit: The Silver Upgrade Kit! Use it to upgrade your Autumn Vineyard to the Rustic Vineyard. Afterwards you can use the Golden Upgrade Kit to get the Vibrant Autumn Vineyard! You can gain Silver and Gold upgrade kits from the Silver and Gold Event Passes! You can also gain a Silver upgrade from placing in the Professional League, and a Silver and Gold Upgrade Kit from placing in the Star Baker League.

Rustic Autumn Vineyard (3x7) Vibrant Autumn Vineyard (3x7)
Link= Use the Silver Upgrade Kit to upgrade your Autumn Vineyard to the Rustic Autumn Vineyard. Link= Use the Golden Upgrade Kit to upgrade the Rustic Vineyard to the Vibrant Autumn Vineyard.
Rustic Autumn Vineyard (3x7) Vibrant Autumn Vineyard (3x7)
Ficheiro:RusticAutumnVineyard.png Ficheiro:VibrantAutumnVineyard.png
  • Population
  • Happiness
  • 32% to 36% Attack for Attacking Army
  • 33% to 37% Attack for Defending Army
  • Population
  • Happiness
  • 38% to 42% Attack for Attacking Army
  • 40% to 44% Attack for Defending Army
  • lots of Coins
  • lots of Supplies
  • lots of Coins
  • lots of Supplies
When motivated
When motivated
  • 19 to 23 Forge Points
  • 80 Goods
  • 6 Higher Age Blueprints*
  • 5 Vibrant Autumn Vineyard Golden Upgrade Kit Fragments (150 Required)

Random Production:

  • (50% Chance) 2 Shroom Throne Fragments (100 Required)
  • (50% Chance) 2 Granny Aurora's Apple Tree Fragments (100 Required)
  • 21 to 25 Forge Points
  • 90 Goods
  • 10 Higher Age Blueprints*

Random Production:

  • (50% Chance) 3 Shroom Throne Fragments (100 Required)
  • (50% Chance) 3 Granny Aurora's Apple Tree Fragments (100 Required)

'* Blueprints will be from one Great Building from your current age or above.

This building is also very special: You don't need any One Up or Renovation Kits, as it automatically advances to the next age, when you age up!

Prensa de Óleo de Girassol Vibrante

Add a bit of spice to a favourite old recipe by upgrading your Sunflower Oil Press!

The Vibrant Sunflower Oil Press (6x4)
  • Population
  • Happiness
  • 27% to 37% Attack for Attacking Army
  • 37% to 47% Supply Collection
Production :
  • Coins
  • 20 Goods
When Motivated:
  • Supplies
  • 29 Forge Points
  • 62 Goods
  • 8 Random Units

Outras Recompensas Novas

Jumpin' Pumpkin (2x2)
Cider Garden (2x2)
Shroom Throne (1x1)
Granny Aurora's Apple Tree (1x1)
Jumpin' Pumpkin
Cider Garden
Shroom Throne
Granny Aurora's Apple Tree
  • Requires Population
  • Demands Happiness
  • 9% to 13% Attack for Attacking Army
  • 6% to 10% Attack for Defending Army
  • 12% to 16% Defense for Defending Army
  • 5% to 9% Attack for Attacking Army
  • 9% to 13% Defense for Attacking Army
  • 8% to 12% Attack for Defending Army
  • 1% to 3% Attack for Attacking Army
  • 2% to 4% Defense for Attacking Army
  • 2% to 4% Attack for Defending Army
  • 2% to 4% Defense for Defending Army
Production options:
Production :
  • 5m Supplies
  • 15m Supplies
  • 1h Supplies
  • 4h Supplies
  • 8h Supplies
  • 1d Supplies
  • 3 to 5 Forge Points3 to 5 Forge Points
  • 5 to 7 Goods
  • 1 to 2 Forge Points

When Motivated:
When Motivated:
When Motivated:

Random Production:

  • (50% Chance) 5 Current Era Light Melee Units (/ 3 Current Era Light Melee Units in Space Age Titan)
  • (50% Chance) 1 Next Era Light Melee Unit (/ 3 Rogues in Space Age Titan)
  • 3 Jumpin' Pumpkin Fragments (100 Required)
  • 3 Cider Garden Fragments (100 Required)
  • These 4 buildings do not require a road connection


Last but not least, you can also earn yourself some beautiful new portraits in this year's event, too. Two can be earned by completing the questline, the other two will be exclusive rewards only with one available in the Fall Prizes portion of the Event Pass, and the last one is available as a reward for earning Gold in the League.

Pie Pete (Questline Reward)
Doughnut Donna (Questline Reward)
Croissant Carl (Grand Prizes)
Muffin Molly (Silver Event pass)
Pastry Paddy(Silver Event pass)
Granny Aurora (Gold Event pass)
Eddie Puffington (Gold Event pass)
Sugar Susie (League Reward)

Sistema de Ligas

This year's Leagues not only provide the option to compete against your fellow bakers, but also offer some unique rewards! Gain a coveted upgrade kits for your Autumn Vineyard as well as the Epic Fall 2023 Selection Kit and other tasty prizes!

Recompensas do Sistema de Ligas

Scrub your toes and get ready to stomp, 'cause we're bringing the Grape Stompin' Festival to town! These awesome buildings are available as League rewards! Grape Stompin' Festival Lv.1 is available in the Professional League (5% of players) and Grape Stompin' Festival Lv.2 – in the Star Baker (1%)!

Grape Stompin' Festival Lv.1 Grape Stompin' Festival Lv.2
Ficheiro:GrapeStompinFestival1.png Ficheiro:GrapeStompinFestival2.png
  • 18% Attack for Attacking Army
  • 24% Attack for Defending Army
  • Do not require a road connection
  • 30% Attack for Attacking Army
  • 36% Attack for Defending Army
  • Do not require a road connection
  • 15 Forge Points
  • 21 Forge Points
When motivated
When motivated
  • 27 Goods

Random Production:

  • (90% Chance) 10 Autumn Vineyard Selection Kit Fragments (150 Required)
  • (10% Chance) 10 Rustic Autumn Vineyard Silver Upgrade Kit Fragments (150 Required)
  • 33 Goods

Random Production:

  • (82% Chance) 20 Autumn Vineyard Selection Kit Fragments (150 Required)
  • (9% Chance) 20 Rustic Autumn Vineyard Silver Upgrade Kit Fragments (150 Required)
  • (9% Chance) 20 Vibrant Autumn Vineyard Golden Upgrade Kit Fragments (150 Required)